Monday, October 28, 2013

Millie Shirts!

Millie shirts are here!  If you ordered a t-shirt or sweatshirt, it will be at Vancouver East classes tomorrow night.  They are labeled with your name for easy pick up!

If you don't get it Tuesday, I will have them at this weekend's rehearsals too!

Tuesday, October 22, 2013

"Post Your Poster" Week

This is "Post Your Poster Week"!  You can make the Millie show poster your facebook profile pic.  Show your Show Spirit!!  All the show posters are on the Journey page.  You can tag yourself and then "make it profile pic" in the options menu.  

Here is our facebook link!

And here is our poster:

Five Tickets This Week!

Okay Millie Cast &'s a check in to see just how THOROUGHLY you're hitting the ticket sales this week.  

You all agreed to sell 5 tickets this week.  Many thanks to the following for already meeting that goal:
Ryan Barr
Katelynn Gookin
Brandon Henefin
Sierra Long (she's already at 21 tickets!!!  GO SIERRA!)
Tirza Meuljic
Savannah Wetzler

That gives the rest of you 3 more days to make your goal!  You can do it!!  Have you already handed out all the bookmarks you grabbed?  Did you give them to every classmate (even if you think they might not want to come, you can still give them a handy bookmark)?  How about your school library?  Will the front desk or counseling office put a stack of them out for students to use? Have your parents bought their tickets yet?? 


Monday, October 21, 2013

Make Up Testing

A Hair and Make Up parent will be at classes on Tuesday in Vancouver East and Thursday in Vancouver to test Millie cast members for correct foundation color.

Testing is for new AND returning kids.  It is important to have a good color match.  Testing is for those purchasing a whole kit or just a foundation refill.

Sunday, October 20, 2013

Pizza Days!

We will be selling pizza for $1.50 a slice on the following rehearsal dates:

October 25th
November 1st
November 15th
November 22nd

Choices will be cheese or pepperoni.

Please arrive 10 minutes early to rehearsal to order your pizza so we can start each rehearsal right on time!

Rehearsal Parents

These are the rehearsal parents and the dates scheduled that we came up with at our parent meeting last Friday:

Friday     10/19     Gookin and Meuljic
Saturday  11/2      Montovino
Friday     11/15     Peterson
Saturday 11/16     Sterle, Quarto
Friday     11/22     Gookin
Saturday 11/23     Dillon

Thursday, October 10, 2013

The Voice of Journey

If you are a current student in Journey Theater Arts Group classes, we'd love for you to audition to be the Voice of Journey!    To audition, call our office between 3 pm and 9 am during the week, or anytime over the weekend (when our office is closed) and after the voicemail tone, introduce yourself and then read through the script below.    The chosen voice(s) will come to our office in Vancouver for a recording session and the recording will be used as the Curtian Warmer at our Fall shows. Submissions will be accepted until 9 am on Wednesday, October 16th

    Script:   Welcome to Journey Theater Arts Group and our production of The Phantom Tollbooth Jr.

     What you're going to see is a show performed by students ages 8-18, like me!  We take classes through Journey to build our skills in singing, dancing, and acting.   There's a wide variety of great classes to choose from and there's something for everyone!  If you're between the ages of 6-18, or if you know someone in that age range, be sure to get signed up for classes!  Registration for Winter will begin soon and you don't want to miss out! 

     Explore our website, for all the info about classes and the fabulous shows we have happening right now!  You don't want to miss Fiddler On the Roof Jr. in Portland, The Adventures of Tom Sawyer in Beaverton, or Thoroughly Modern Millie Jr. in East Vancouver. 

     At intermission, be sure to visit all the great tables in the lobby.  We've got souvenirs, refreshments and a silent auction.  All the proceeds help support the work of Journey theater and even provide scholarships and financial aid so more kids can be involved. 

    We couldn't do these shows without the great support of our show sponsors: Pioneer Pest Management and Dentistry on Officers Row.  We want to thank them not just for supporting live theater, but theater that changes lives.  Let's give them a round of applause

     Now remember, there's no eating or drinking in the auditorium, and no video or photography of any kind.  If you have restless little ones with you, an usher can help you exit during blackouts and applause. 

    I think it's about time to get on with our adventure.  So sit back, relax, and enjoy The Phantom Tollbooth Jr..

Monday, October 7, 2013

Rehearsal Dates

Although the Millie rehearsal schedule is not ready for publication yet ~ here is a reminder of the dates we have scheduled parent meetings and rehearsals!  (Specific calls for your character yet to come)

Fridays, 5:00 – 9:00
October 18th
October 25th
November 1st
November 8th
November 15th
November 22nd

Saturdays, 9:00 – 1:00
October 19th
November 2nd
November 9th
November 16th 
November 23rd 

First Parent Meeting - Friday, October 18th
Second Parent Meeting - Friday, November 15th 

Join Us At The Journey Shows!

Don't forget to book your free student ticket to the other Journey shows this fall!  Bring your whole family and join other "Millie" folks, supporting our friends and seeing great shows, on the following dates:

The Phantom Tollbooth
Saturday 11/2 at 7:00 PM

Fiddler on the Roof
Saturday 11/9 at 7:00 PM

Tom Sawyer
Sunday 11/17 at 2:00 PM

FREE Journey Car Window Decal

Tomorrow (10/8) at Vancouver East classes, families can get a FREE car window decal of our new Journey logo!   Staff will be on hand to pass out and help apply the new car window decals starting at 5:00.

If you have an old Journey decal, we will have supplies on hand to help you remove the old one before adding the new one!

(Tip:  If you want to remove the old decal at home, heating with a hair dryer makes scrapping much easier)

Thursday, October 3, 2013

Scripts and CD's

Kristi Foster will have scripts and rehearsal CD's at classes tonight and at classes on Tuesday and Thursday next week for those of you who would like to get your materials before our first rehearsal.

Each family will need a rehearsal CD, check out cost is $5.  This deposit must be made by check. Please make your check out to Journey.  When you return your CD at the end of the show, we will send your check back to you!

The following students need a script.  The deposit for a script is $25.  These scripts must be turned back in at the end of our show, and when you do so we will send your deposit check back to you as well!

Script deposits and CD deposits must be made on separate checks.

Tirza Meuljic
Brandon Doak
Savannah Wetzler
Trevor Graydon
Brian Dillon
Mrs. Meers
Annalisa Quarto
Ching Ho
Brandon Henefin
Bun Fu
Alex Havens
Miss Flannery
Katelyn Gookin
Madison Jooste
Elissa Maxwell
Averie Sellers
Ariel Vincent
Kyra Miller
Ashley Estep
Ethel Peas
Sierra Long


Please look over the deadlines on the online ordering page.  We will also review these at our first parent meeting on October 18th.  The only deadline before our meeting is for show shirts.

It is important to note that once the deadline has passed, items will be removed from the ordering page.

So, if there is an item you need or want, you must have your order placed by the due date.  Late orders cannot be placed in the online ordering system.

Production Fee Due Date 10/22

Every student cast in a Journey shows pays a $75 production fee.  The deadline for paying this fee for Millie is Tuesday, 10/22, three days after the first rehearsal and first parent meeting.  Crew members do not pay a production fee.

This production fee is not part of the online ordering.  It is attached to your family account on our web page.  You will see a "Production Fee" button when you are logged into your family account page.

This fee can be paid anytime up through 10/22.

T-shirt Ordering Deadline 10/8

Our t-shirt and sweatshirt ordering date has been moved up to Tuesday, October 8th.  Cast and crew received an email about this update earlier this week.  

T-shirts and sweatshirts are purchased through our online ordering.  You must be logged into your family account on the website to be able to view.

Here is the link!

Order Online Here!

Improv Team Auditions!

Students ages 12 - 18, who have taken Beginning Improv, are encouraged to audition for a 2014 Improv Team! 

There will be an "Improv Warm Up Session" on Thursday, December 12th from 6:30 - 8:30 pm at US Digital (1400 NE 136th Ave, Vancouver).  The cost is $10 per person.

Auditions for the Improv Teams (Vancouver and Vancouver East) will take place on Saturday, December 14th from 10 am - 1 pm at US Digital.  

More information, along with Audition forms, will be available on our website November 1st.