Thursday, November 21, 2013

Weekend Reminders!

Weekend reminders:

This Friday is a pizza night.  $1.50 a slice.  Order when you arrive at rehearsal.

Friday and Saturday are run through rehearsals.

Saturday is our pancake breakfast for cast and crew.  Kids should arrive at 8:30 for breakfast.  Rehearsal begins at 9:00.

We move into the theater at Washougal High School on Sunday.  We have the theater starting from 12:00 for committees who are moving in backstag, sets, props, costumes, green room and tech.  Your chair will let you know what time you should arrive.

Kids arrive at 3:30 and are done at 7:00.  Parents who are new to the theater must stay for the move in safety meeting at 3:30. 

Cast members need to bring their fully packed backstage box.  It will stay at the theater until the Sunday of our last show.

Cast members to not have to do hair and make up on Move in.

If you ordered a meal on move in it will be delivered at our dinner break.  If you did not buy a meal be sure and pack a meal/snack.  

Please bring a refillable water bottle, with your name on it, to use while at the theater.

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