Tuesday, December 3, 2013

School Day Show!

Cast and crew are called at 9:00 AM.

We have one show at 10:00 AM.

There is no intermission break and no meet and greet time at our school day show.  If your child's class is coming to the show, your child will be able to go directly to the lobby after the show, in costume, to meet their class.  They will have a few minutes to visit!

Pick up time after our show is 12:00.  Please be on time for pick up. 

As another post explains, tickets are on sale until Wednesday at 3:00 for individuals who would like to come to the school day show.  It will be the full show, no cuts.  We will also be selling tickets at the door.

We do not have use of our regular green room as class is in session.  Kids will go directly into the theater.  Cast members will do costuming and make up on stage.

Cast members will have the back hall as their green room space for this show.  Those in the lighted room will still have the use of that room.

Parents who stay for the show can park out near the tennis courts, along the curb on 39th (the signs posted are no longer valid), or in the lower parking lot.

Please call me if you have questions.  Often my phone will not ring while I am in the school building.  If I do not pick up a call on Thursday morning, please leave a message.  I will check them often!

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